Monday, March 15, 2010
The 40's couples
i was a little bit upset with some people who are so arrogantly talk about those couples who are married above 40s will be getting a down sydrome baby!!! What the Hell? Don't they think before they say that?
I believe nobody want to be single for the rest of their life and its all Allah's will. Those single man and woman are always keep looking for any opportunities for them to find their soulmates. They not being single on purpose. So stop make any statement says that these people are delaying their marriage. Its Allah's will people!!! I'm sure these people will never give up to find their soulmates!!! not all of the 40s couples have down sydrome babies..not ALL ok!!! Look at Sheila Majid and Ziana Zain!! Their babies are so adorable!! As i said... its Allah's will!!!
Everyone has some rights over others and everything too, has the same over something else.
If people today purposely deny from fulfilling the rights of others (family members,realtives,neighbours,friends etc),will be forced to pay the due tomorrow in some way or the other or will simply suffer here and severely in hereafter.