I've learned that in this life we have to face some soulfull people, cheerfull people, ambitiuosfull people, helpfull people and the worst is HATEFULL people so that we can learn how to deal with these people and that's where maturity came from.
Hatefull people is the one i'm gonna talking about. Some people are born to be an Hatefull person... sorry to say this but this is the truth.... but the most dangerous one is the one who are don't even know that they are hatefull person. They being so mean in whatever they do.They tell you lies, they create a tense in their relationships and friendship. They love to see people around them hates each other.These HATEFULL people didn't realise what are they doing...they just don't see it. And as friends we hope these HATEFULL person will changed.
I've been with some HATEFULL people around me and i bet you guys been there done that!! Its sucks!!
My friend is getting marry in few days times.. and part of me i wanted to go but to think of there will be some HATEFULL people gonna be at the wedding its really killing me..and i don't want them to spoil my mood and hey...New Years is coming and its also my i should have a great starts of 2009 because 2008 was the worst year i ever had... so i'm kinda confuse to go or not to go.
i've been listening to this song again and again to gets some inspirations..and i guess everybody needs inspirations to move on and face the life as it is..Well, enjoy the song and do pay attentions on the lyrics...beautiful!!