are you?i'm doing good Alhamdulilah...
Today i wanna talk about Mutabel.Moutabel is a delicious and spicy eggplant dip originating in the Middle East. It is best eaten with fresh, hot pita bread or anything....Mutabel is my habibi favourite dish and its like 'must have' dish at home.i always keep mutabel in the fridge and we can eat them at anytime we want...
Anyway, here are some steps how i make my version of Mutabel...
Step 1: Grill 2 eggplant on the stove till the skin are fully burn.
Step 2: Peel off the eggplant burnt skin and the seed inside.
Step 3: This is what you get after the peeling sessions and now u have to stir it all together till it soft..
Step 4: Take 2 cloves of Garlics, 2 chillies, half tea spoon of black pepper, half tea spoon of cumin and blend them well...
Step 5: Take 3 table spoon of Tahini and mix it with a cup of water and stir till it turns white.
Step 6: Mix all the ingredient together...
Step 7: and your Mutabel are ready to eat!