Just nak britau korang...ada seorang artis popular nak jadi penyampai radio!!! Mak aii...Apo kono eh jangg?? Tak percayo? cuba teka siapakah artis ini?
Wajah artis ni sengaja dikaburkan kerana takut Manager dia nampak kang kene sesak nafas plakk... masa gambo ni di amik si artis tgh tekun mengisi borang untuk menjadi penyampai..sampai tak perasan mamabosan dok amik gambo...punyalah concentrate!!!
Den kosian tengok artis ni ah... apo meneger ekau dah gilo makan agak nyo sampai artis sondirik cari keje lain...alahaiii...jang oh jang!!!
Harap2 korang semua sihat laa ekk...Aku macam ni la.. *sigh*
Anyway, This weekend aku akan berada di Trengganu dan Kuantan untuk Road Tour Lelong Amal Suria fm, selain dari penyampai2 aku bawak Azizi, Eafar Mustafa, Ayla, Mus May. Ameng Spring, Liyana Jasmay dan Bandi Amuk.. Yeah..yeah!!! Aku pasti gempak laa MYDIN Mall Kuala Trengganu!!! Show di Trengganu starts at 4pm...so datanglah ramai2 ekk... ada barangan artis untuk di lelong dan juga goodie bag utk pengunjung!! Aku jadi Floor Manager laa...hehehehhehe.... lama dah tak jerit2kan orang ni!!! hahahahahaa..
Ok then lepas who kita bertolak ke Kuantan...kerana pada 1hb March kita akan ke Berjaya Mega Mall Kuantan....artis yang sama juga dan goodie bags for give away!! Jangan lupa kita nak lelong barang2 artis!! hehehehee....hasil lelongan untuk barang2 ni kita salurkan pada Pusat Perlindungan PERNIM.
Well, nanti aku upload gambar2 masa Road Tour ni ekk!!!Have a great weekend ppl!! Jangan meroyan or sentap2 hahahhaha..... ciao Bedah!!!! muuaahssss!!!!
Liyana Jasmay akan menyanyi di Road Tour Lelong Amal Suria FM.... hehehhe tak sabar nak dengar dia nyanyi!!!!
Entah kenapa sejak dua menjak ni fikiran aku bercelaru...bukan kerana Haris tapi kerana keadaan di sekeliling aku....
Entah kenapa bos aku moody sejak kebelakangan ni, Entah kenapa orang yang baik dengan aku suka2 hati mencemuh aku dikhalayak ramai... Entah kenapa diorg yang bergaduh sama sendiri aku pun diorg nak heret sekali dalam perbalahan ini... Entah kenapa orang yang aku hormati tak lagi menggunakan kata2 yang sopan.... Entah kenapa orang tergamak mengaibkan orang lain... Entah kenapa orang sanggup gunakan bahasa yang kesat pd orang yang lebih senior daripada dia... Entah kenapa orang kecoh pada benda2 yang remeh... Entah kenapa aku rasa keadaan sekeliling aku ni dipenuhi oleh orang yang tak berperasaan kasih dan sayang antara satu sama lain.... Entah kenapa tiba2 aku rasa betapa manusia sudah hilang rasa hormat antara satu sama lain Entah kenapa tiap kali aku rasa sunyi sekali.....walaupun aku dikelilingi keriuhan...
Sihat ke? Aku bertambah2 sihat sey...Anyway, Haris will be in town this weekend insyallah...dah lama aku tak jumpa dia dan perasaan rindu semakin berakar umbi...hahahahaha...macam pernah dengar ekk ayat tu?Sejak dua menjak ni aku dan Haris selalu bergayut kat phn dan kita tak tau kenapa we need to call each other every night and kalau we didn't call rasa rindu tu Ya Allah tak blh nak cakap....Last few nights Haris keep on saying thanks for being into his life and he said i've touched his heart and he feel so alive!!! Wah!! Dah lama aku tak dengar seseorang berkata mcm tu kat aku...and the best thing is ....i feel the same way too!! i think we're in love and this is our 4th months and the feeling is getting stronger each and everyday!! Alhamdulilah...and insyallah we'll keep it well and trying our best not to hurt each other...insyallah.
Do you miss me like A punch to the stomach? Like an illness with no common cure. Vomiting on a calm sea?
Do you miss me like A cake that will not cook Where the recipe reads right But the ingredients repel each other?
Do you miss me like A waking dream of need? You are there - your arms warm around me And dull disappointment on waking.
Do you miss me like Children on their first day of school for the new year Miss the freedom of home and mother And hot scones?
Do you miss me like Words upon a wordless page Crying out blood From a thousand deaths?
Do you miss me like The loneliness of the Lone Kauri John Wayne against the sky?
Do you miss me like No sugar in your tea No honey on your bread No sky behind the clouds?
Do you miss me like Bees without a hive? Statesmen without a state Grass that will not grow?
Do you miss me like The solitude of madness The loneliness of Harrods On a Saturday shopping day with no money?
Do you miss me like a Light bulb with no electricity An adze with no hand to wield it A clock with no time to tell?
Do you miss me like A roof blown off Sawn off chair legs Four flat tyres?
Do you miss me like A calendar with no future A planet with no plants A TV studio with no actors?
Do you miss me like Three baited hooks and no fish White with no bait Sand with no Pipis?
Do you miss me like Anger with noone to hear Joy with no laughter Family with no children?
First time berjumpa dgn Zarina Zainudin...memang akak ni sempoi and peramah...
The beautiful....Zarina Zainudin and Noniswara...
Cuba teka siapakah gerangan juru kamera yang memakai t-shirt putih ini? Jangan tertipu...nama dia tak de kene mengena dgn huruf J ok!!! hehehehee... ok clue dia... nama dia memang sinonim dengan huruf M..... heheheehe...Makan!!! larriikkkk!!!!!
Sihat? Aku tak nak cakap byk2 hari ni dah lambat pun nak post blog ni..hahahaa..apa tak nyer mlm tadi balik lambat pasal besday mak hayam kan.... so hari ni aku nak post gambo2 je laa ek....
Besday Boy tetap nak menyanyi jugakk mlm tadi...lagu ratu ku occay!!! Ratu keeerr?? Ratu Kontrobesi je laa ko Mak Hayam wey....
Lepas tu ramai la kengkawan yang tak de 'HAL' dengan Mak Hayam sama2 nyanyi lagu Besday 2 version occay!!!
Then Nubhan plakk nyanyi untuk Mak Hayam...aku baru nak snap gambar...tiba2 Mr Manager enter-frame!!! boley?
So kita pun amik gambar ramai2 and ramai jugaklah org amik gambar kita termasuklaah.....
Dalam ramai2 orang amik gambar kitaorg tiba2 aku nampak orang ni pun sibuk jugak nak amik gambar ...hah skrg ni aku amik gambar dia tengah amik gambar aku!!! hahahahahaa.... Vernon!!! ko memang hawau!!!hahahahahaa
We have so much fun last night kat Besday Azwan....especially bila Azwan Ali jemput semua tetamu makan..dan guess what? Vernon lah orang pertama yang berdiri nak gi amik makanan......laarrrriiiikkkkkk!!!!!!hahahaahhahaa....i love you too Mr MakanJER aka Mr Managaer Ma-La-Top!!!
Apa khabar? Aku sihat alhamdulilah...Hari ini genap usia Mak Hayam Gebus Azwan Ali Diva Meletup Tebabboooommmmm Gedebussss!!!!! Hahahahaahaa...
Walaupun mulut dia macam Hangsuang..tapi dia tetap kawan aku..Sebab dia tak de 'HAL' dengan aku bedah!! Tiap2 tahun tetap beraya kat rumah aku dan salam and cium tangan mak bapak aku...So aku tak de alasan nak 'BOIKOT' dia ke hapa...
Aku tak faham dengan sikap setengah2 orang yang sentap dengan dia tanpa sebab!!!Dia tak kacau orang bedah....mulut dia je yang mcm Hangsuang...tapi hati dia baik...dah bertahun-tahun aku kawan dengan dia so far so good!! Kita pun bukan selalu jumpa pun...bak kata orang jauh-jauh bau wangi kalau dekat selalu bau longkang!!! gitu laa aku pun dah terikut melaser mcm Mak Hayam tersohor tuu....
Apa2pun aku ada special surprise untuk Azwan Ali nyer besday hari ni...aku harap dia akan ingat hadiah aku ni sampai dia meninggal..insyallah..Sebagai kawan aku rasa ini adalah hadiah yang terbaik untuk manusia yang bernama Azwan Ali....
Aku akan ke Penisular Hotel mlm karang untuk sama2 menyambut Besdsay kawan aku yang sorang ni...aku datang sebagai seorang kawan bukan sebagai batu api atau untuk mengkhianti sesiapa...ini adalah tanggungjawap aku sebagai kawan...Azwan Ali telah membuka mata aku dalam dunia pengacaraan di atas pentas...semuanya bermula sewaktu kita sama2 pergi Road Tour ABP 2005..Mak Hayam ni telah perkenalkan aku cara pengacaraan di atas pentas dan macam mana nak melayan karenah penonton..Aku memang berhutang budi dengan Mak Hayam Gebus ni....
Aku doakan agar Azwan Ali terus tabah menghadapi hari2 yang mendatang dan semoga terus suksess di dalam apa saja yang dilakukannya....amin.....
Gambar kenangan mengacara bersama Azwan Ali diambil sewaktu kita gi Road Tour Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian di Sg Petani, Kedah...
You look in my eyes and I get emotional inside. I know it's crazy but you still can touch my heart. And after all this time you'd think that I wouldn't feel the same. But time melts into nothing, and nothing has changed. I still believe someday you and me will find ourselves in love again. I have a dream someday you and me will find ourselves in love again. Each day of my life I'm filled with all the joy I could find. You know that I,
I'm not the desperate type. If there's one spark of hope left in my grasp I'll hold it with both hands. It's worth the risk of burning to have a second chance. And oh, no no no no no, I need you, baby. I still believe that we can be together. No no no. If we believe that true love never has to end, then we must know that we will love again Oh, I still believe someday you and me will find ourselves in love again. Oh, baby, yeah yeah. I had a dream you and me will find ourselves in love again.
What can i say about my feelings right now? Hopeless, reckless and speechless...Why things are never be the same again...Why people changed?
i would go against the world just to make everythings right!!! Do you care sayang? no matter what sweetheart i'll forgive you but i will never forget!!Nobody perfect!! i know i'm not what you need but don't leave in denial...hope you know what are you looking for coz i won't be here for long...one day i'll be gone and i won't come back to you..but i will always love you..
Have you ever loved someone, but for your love he never really knew, You'd always say love you tons and he'd always just love you too. Did you ever just wanna make him understand or make him acknowledge the words you say, But it's like it never works out, you're the one hurting the most at the end of the day.
Have you ever had someone who was your morning, afternoon, and you're night, He meant the world to you, he was your sunshine, he'd be your moonlight. Have you ever had him so close to your heart it's like everything would always be just right, Because he was your everything, he'd be your moon and the stars in the sky at night.
Have you ever thought about him 24/7, wondering what he'd be up to or even where he was, You'd call him for no real reason at all, only calling just because. Have you ever found yourself getting mad because you never had enough time for what you had to say, You'd always have to wait for next time because there'd never be enough time that day.
Have you ever had someone to talk to, whenever it felt like your whole world was coming to an end, He'd just sit there and listen, and then tell you it's all okay and that he'd always be your best friend. He'd tell you he'd be there forever, no matter what the people say, And no matter what everyone else thinks because he'd always love you anyway.
Have you ever wasted your day waiting, all because he said he'd call, Have you ever wanted to tell him how you felt when it felt as if he never really cared at all. Have you ever longed for his kiss or even thought about his smile, And then just cried thinking about him only because you haven't seen him in a while.
Have you ever spent the whole day with him, but at the end it felt like the time just passed you by, It's like your time was up but you didn't wanna let him go because you weren't ready to say goodbye. Have you ever missed him soo much it's like you felt as if you were loosing your one and only best friend, Because he was a big part of your life and it felt as if your whole life was coming to an end.
Have you ever fell asleep at night and dreamt about just being together, One of those dreams you've always dreamt of having, the ones you'll always remember. The ones walking along the beach with your bare feet in the sand, Or laying on a blanket watching the stars while he's holding your hand.
Have you ever just cried about anything, you could never really explain what was wrong, You'd just sit there in tears because it never really mattered if it felt as if you couldn't be strong. Have you ever wondered if he really did love you because at times it seemed like that could never be true, Because it was like he was perfect and you'd wonder why he'd really love someone like you.
Have you ever just scribbled on a paper, day dreaming, while drawing hearts around his name, You'd be thinking about him all day, but spending one day without him just wouldn't be the same. Have you ever just missed him like crazy, and at times it was like you never really knew what to do, You'd try and do just about anything to spend time with him but he'd just never get the clue.
Have you ever gotten so frustrated with him, And what made things worse was that he could never understand why. He'd just sit there thinking everything was okay, When really your emotions killed you inside.
Have you ever wondered about what he'd be thinking about and if you'd ever be crossing his mind, Or have you ever felt that you were just an old chapter in his lost book, somewhere left for no one to find. Have you ever just stopped worrying about things, because you knew that everything would always be okay, Because even if things got hard, he'd still love you forever and always and it would always be that way.
Have you ever love him with all your heart, and for your love he always knew, You'd tell him you loved him tons and he'd always be the one who whispered it back to you. Have you ever had him understand, he'd always acknowledge the words you'd say, Because he was your best friend "forever and always" he promised that day.
Sihat? Sorry laa bulan ni memang aku kesibukan melanda...apa tak nyer ramai betul kengkawan singgah ke pejabat dan aku pun ambil kesempatan untuk bergambo dengan diorg...jeng....jeng...jeng...
Atie & Azza
Abg Nassier Wahab
Ibnor Riza
Bob Mesreeeee
Shuib Manager Bob yang vougie da vast!!
Winnie K
Fazli 'Kalbu' Zainal - lagu terbaru Fazli Zainal tajuk Kalbu teramatlah syahdunya dan bakal meletup di corong2 radio...so dengarlah Suria kalau nak dgr lagu terbaru cik mat ni....
Sepanjang hari dok entertaint depa ni and gitu laaa hari2 ada je rakan2 artis datang menjenguk kengkawan...heheheheheeehe...seronok plak nak tunggu siapa plak yang akan terjah Suria fm besok!!! tunggguuuu!!!!!!
"... I asked him what it was like to love someone from afar as he did, whether it was enough. 'It is heavenly, and shouldn't the heavenly be enough?'"
Dear, Yes, I knew you were attracted to me, I just managed to ignore it. It would not be useful, at any level, to pursue.
I'm older than you are. You have that ease of freshness and youth and breezing through a charmed life that always tastes like magic to me. A boy, in the way that boys are attractive to me, and men aren't. I know the pain an impulsive choice could lead to. Would lead to.
Yes, I knew you wanted me. I knew that you would not make any move toward me. I knew that if anyone would cross that electrical divide, it would be me. But I would not. I will not. I touched your hand, once, and a spark jumped across. That's when I knew our poses, relaxed and friendly, were just poses.
In my imagination, those hands started to touch me. Just snuck across the divide, and stroked my arm. And we both pretended it wasn't happening, and kept chatting, with most of our senses focussed on that hand. My skin tingles, even thinking about it now.
But then my hand reached over, and wove it's own fingers into yours. That's when we stopped talking, and eyes took over. So blue, like falling into the sky in a wheat field. Then I reached across and touched your hair. Those curls, so different from my own straight darkness, I want to rub my face in those curls.
I won't write the rest of the story here. But yes, I knew. And I know, and you will never, how many times this has replayed in my head. I get a lot of mileage out of fantasy, now, since that's mostly where my love life lives. I don't mind a lot of the time, I'm not sure I have time for a lover. I would want time for you.
I would want so much time, freedom, emancipation from all the cares that weigh me down.Time to stay up late, letting our minds wander where they will. Time for silly word play, sharing the flavor of the language that we love to mess with. Time to grin at each other's sillyness, and yes, I would cook you dinner. I would cook you many dinners. I want that time. Time, which so often feels like there is much too little of.
You are a dreamer. I see those dreams leap out of you, so many. You remind me of myself. I want to see you make those dreams come true. I want to be a part of making them come true, and I can, but not in the way that I want. Or that, at least at this moment, that I want.
This then, is a crush. I call it that, knowing it is more, but that is all I will name it. A crush. It will pass, with all likelyhood. But for now I will enjoy the flush, the flow of energy, the spark it adds to my day. A glint in my eye, a rosy cheek, a flush rising over my breastbone as I think about you. About your hands.