A very-very quite weekend at home....puasa pada hari Sabtu, do some light laundry then have a good rest till break fast.....
Sunday woke up do some laundry and heading to Cheras for brunch....teringin nak makan Ayam Kampung..hehehehe...aarrgghh...so full!!! that's it for ayam kampung!!hahahaha..
Dinner? what's for dinner? Daddy asked for Capati. Mummy and i just a Ramly Burger!! and still feel ssooooooooo full!!! that's if for Ramly Burger!!!!
Get the last catch of CSI : Miami...Gosh!! i missed you Delko!!! ahah!!!! so perasan!!! but why not?
Tomorrow can't wait to go to work!!! Why ah? i don't know!!!! hahahaha....i just love my job!!! boleh?