Thursday, November 27, 2008

Nobody's perfect dowh!!


Sihat ke? Me? Macam ni laa...hahaahaaha...but so glad its Thursday!! and can't wait for Friday and weekend!!i need a good rest!!! yeah really good rest!!and i hope December will be better than November!! i had enuff of headache and i wish it will all go away!!Love and work and friends....with a lot of domestic problems...i hate it but i'm glad it opened my eyes and we are live to learn anyway!!

After all the trouble i've gone through i realised that there are some ppl come and go and some of them can just ignore you. but at the end of the day you know whom to turn to when you are in trouble...true friends!!! The saddest part was...a stranger came to rescue you and Alhamdulilah...May Allah Blessed This person!!

'Fresh start' is not something I use. It's a cliche. I don't want anything to do with it. Everything in my past is part of who I am.

Thanks for someone who being honest to me and sincerely take me as your friend.I'm not desperately looking for love but i need friends to talk, share my thoughts and someone who can take all the flaws...

Why do people say they love you yet hurt you? Why? I have "friends" that do the same thing I mean it gets to be ridiculous when I hear those words I love you. People throw them around like its nothing.

Love is a beautiful thing! do not simplay say i love you if you didn't meant it.

Some people thinks that i'm too loud.....this is what i least i'm not perfect dowh!!

Cause sometimes, I said sometimes I hear my voice and it's been here, silent all these… Years go by will I still be waiting for somebody else to understand? Years go by if I'm stripped of my beauty and the orange clouds raining in my head. Years go by will I choke on my tears ‘til finally there is nothing left? One more casualty you know we're too easy..