Wednesday, November 19, 2008

relationship with an emotionally unavailable man


This week a lil bit upset me....i don't know why but this cool article had swap away my sadness....its from a blog i've read.. Posted by Evan Marc Katz many cool article in his blog...and this is the coolest one!! check this out!!

Can you have a relationship with an emotionally unavailable man?

A healthy relationship with an emotionally unavailable man is like a threesome with Brad Pitt and George Clooney. Only in your dreams. And yet this is the most popular question I get. Click your heels three times if you’ve heard this before.
“I’ve been dating this guy for (X Months) now and I like him more than anyone I’ve met in a long time. I see him (Y times) a week and while he tells me he cares about me and ultimately wants to settle down, he also makes it very clear that he’s not in a good place right now. I believe him and really want to make this work but I’m not sure I can take it anymore because I want a future with him. The uncertainty is killing me. Can I get him to commit or should I get out now?”

Here is my point of view based on scenarios I typically hear:

1. Dating for several months. Seeing each other once a week.
Is this guy a boyfriend? Or just a guy you sleep with once a week. A boyfriend is committed to you. He calls you every day. He buys you things because he’s thinking of you. He wants to see you during most of his spare time. Ask yourself if this guy passes those boyfriend tests.

2. Shuts me out. No contact for a day. Not invited to parties.
Not very boyfriend like. You know how I can tell? I’ve BEEN that guy. I’ve dated people who I liked but didn’t want to lose, but went out to parties seeing if I could trade up. And as long as he can keep you around without committing to you, who can blame him?

3. Likes to move slowly. Values his independence. Shies from change.
Looks like you should be doing PR for this guy, because you’ve bought all of his bullshit excuses, hook, line and sinker.

4. Told me he’s not emotionally in a place for a relationship – Um, and what was it you said you wanted? That’s right. A relationship.

5. Said I deserved to have what I wanted and had a right to walk away
Hey! The first thing he’s gotten right.
So listen to this man of integrity and take his sage advice.
Walk away and don’t look back.
If he follows, you’ll know you’ll have yourself a boyfriend who values you and will follow you to the end of the earth. That is what you deserve.
If he doesn’t, then he’s not all that serious about keeping you in his life, is he?