Sunday, July 26, 2009

Arranged marriage..why?


I don't like the thought of arranged marriages. Marriage is all about vowing to spend the rest of your life with that one person,because that is how much you love them and care about them. You can't arrange love, it just happens, and marrying anyone for any reason other than love is just flat out wrong.

How could people force their children to marry someone they arnt interested in. if they are forcing there children to marry someone then obviosly the parents were
forced to marry each other even if they didnt want to so if they didnt like being forced in a marriage then why the hell would they make their children do the same.

I myself, would rather choose a mate, but you guys have to understand that marriage wasn't always about love. Marriage was about finding a birthmate a long time ago. Parents used to match their daughters/sons up with rich mate's so that their
daughters/sons could have a happy time in the house with their mate. Things changed over years and marrage is about love in many places of the world NOW. But, in a lot of places arranged marrage is a way of life, and if an article like this was posted there,they might all say that arranged marrages are sooo much better. I may not feel this way, but you can't just judge an article because of what you believe from where you live and where you're family came from.

I've always seen arranged marriages as old fashioned and inpractical!!!