Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Allah had saved me...Alhamdulilah...



What is the purpose of living?

Seeking for Jannah and live life for the sake of Allah. That's my answer. and i'm sure each one of us have our own purpose of living in this world. but one thing for sure we are living for the sake of Allah ... that will always be the based of each living creature in this world.

I almost make a wrong decisions in my life. and i almost drown into the whisper of shaitan. Nauzubillah...

Allah had saved me from doing something that can make me regret for the rest of my life. its not only me but i will dragged the whole family members and friends into Hell..nauzubillah..

When I look at my sins I find them plenty,But when I recount Allah's favor upon me I find it infinite.I have no hope in my good deeds,I only hope in Allah's mercy.
He is my Guardian, He is my Creator,And I have entrusted myself unto Him as one who is weak and frail.If I am forgiven it is because of His Mercy,And if I am not forgiven, what can I do, what will be my fate?
- Abu Nuwas, Al-Munabbihat

When you pray 5 times a day, you should pray with love and fear at the same time because you dont know if it will be the last prayer of your life.

I'm glad Allah had saved my family from doing the wrong decisions and alhamdulilah for everythings... May Allah bless all of us.. ameenn...