How to tell if a man loves u?
Women may be in a relationship for years and never know the answer to this question. So if longevity of relationship is not a guide as to reciprocal love then what is?
I expect only men can really answer this question, but I suspect that generally men who are ‘in love’ will want to keep a strong hold on their ‘prize’ namely you and thus they will show some sign of wanting a commitment. The commitment could be in the form of engagement, marriage, living together, exchanging rings, or even a tattoo of your name printed across his chest!
Does this mean the notoriously commitment shy men don’t love you? Not necessarily so. It could though mean that they are not quite sure of how they feel and do not fully appreciate just HOW much they love you. This is a common problem for men who spend years with a woman, refusing to commit and then one day they find the woman has packed her bags and moved on. Only then do they seem to realise what they had and what they have now lost and go into over drive trying to get the lost love back. But for the woman, this could be too little too late.
Other signs of ‘love’ might be attentiveness. The man might desire and seek out your company and perhaps lavish you in affection and or gifts.
Some women may think faithfulness is a sign of love and that an absence of it is evidence of no love, but I’m not so sure about that one. Sex and love mean very different things for men and women and I know from the male friends I have had who strayed from their partners that they DID love them very much. What makes men unfaithful when they love someone is the topic of another blog!
Jealousy and possessiveness might be indicators of love but again not necessarily so. Sometimes people just don’t like ’sharing’ so jealousy in itself is not a good indicator. Those men who are very possessive and jealous may be so because their own behavior is in question so they assume yours is too, or they could just be reacting to the effects of a past unfaithful partner.
Small clues, which have caught my attention, are lots of eye contact, lots of touchy feely and wanting to remain close at bedtime.