Salam to all my brothers and sisters.
A good Muslim is a person who has strong unquestionable faith...
Talking about the Unquestionalble faith that i've faced myself is something like a wake up call for me. I was too blind to see the real life which will lead me to Jannah. All these while i've seen a narrow and hard road just to find my happiness. I've forgot the different between LOVE and LUST.Astaghfirullah.. May Allah forgives my parents who have a daughter like me and May Allah forgives me too!!! Ameeenn...
I am three persons: The person others think I am; the person I think I am; the person Allah knows I am.Too often in prayer we ask for a change in circumstances rather than in our character.Some people are so busy being good they forget they should be doing good.
Never break anyone's heart, for if you break once your's will be broken twice,Never play with someones life,for if you play,your's will be kicked off soon. I always remind myself this.
I redha with all the things that happend to me. I have breasts cancer and recovering eventhough some people being so mean to me but its ok..Allah will 'reward' their 'kindness'. I never beg for people symphaty on my sickness. Some of them are being so rude and keep hurting my feeling without any mercy. They knew i had cancer but they still hurt me like nobody business.. One day they will feel the pain that i've suffered. They thought i don't deserve to be happy coz they thought i'm dying. Astaghfirullah.. May Allah forgives them.. insyallah i'm not dying..i told u i'm recovering and insyallah Allah knows i could be live longer then them!! amenn...
These people are bad people.. they play with your heart and life. They put ur life in their hands coz they think that they are GOD!!!They can even read your future!!Amazing kan?
Anyway, May Allah forgives day they will have a family member who has CANCER and they will know how it feel like having CANCER!!!Remember Allah is GREAT!!
I'm so glad i don't hv to live with this kind of people for the rest of my life!!Alhamdulilah...
"If happiness were to be found in money or jewellery, you could deprive me of it and take it away from me, but it is nothing over which you or any other person has control. I find happiness in my faith, and my faith is in my heart, and no one has power over it except my creator"